Delta-9 Dosing: A Beginner’s Guide

Delta-9 Dosing: A Beginner's Guide - Earthy Select

Step into the world of cannabis, and you’ll inevitably come across the popular Delta-9 THC, or Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol. This psychoactive cannabinoid is the veritable star of the show when it comes to cannabis compounds. Because of its unique properties, Delta-9 THC holds the key to euphoria, relaxation, pain relief, and a whole realm of experiences. But as you embark on your journey, the question inevitably arises: What’s the best Delta-9 dosing plan for me?

Finding the perfect dose can be as enchanting as the effects themselves. For example, trying out various edibles and smokables at low doses gives you a glimpse into the unique benefits of Delta-9. In this guide, we’ll unravel the secrets to help you confidently navigate the realm of Delta-9 dosing. So, fasten your seatbelt, fellow adventurers, as we delve into the captivating world of Delta-9 THC and discover the ideal dosage for your voyage.

Introduction to Delta-9 THC

Delta-9 THC is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. When consumed, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates various physiological functions [1]. After ingestion, Delta-9 THC travels through the digestive system and metabolizes in the liver.

The potency of Delta-9 THC products can vary, so it’s important to understand how much THC is present per serving (or per piece). The ideal dose of Delta-9 THC depends on several factors. These include individual sensitivity, experience level, and desired effects [2]. A medium dose typically ranges from 10-20 milligrams, but it’s crucial to start with a low dose and gradually increase it to find your proper dose-related effects.

Effects of Delta-9 THC depend on how much you take, meaning higher doses may result in more pronounced effects. So, how many milligrams is best? A good starting dose for most individuals ranges between 5-10 milligrams [3]. Be aware that Delta-9 THC can temporarily increase blood pressure, so understanding how much THC to consume—and finding the appropriate dose—is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Different forms of Delta-9 THC

Delta-9 THC is available in various forms, each offering a unique method of consumption. Some common forms include:

  • Flower/Buds: The most recognizable form of THC is dried cannabis flower or buds. They can be smoked in a joint, pipe, or bong, providing a potent, fast-acting experience.
  • Edibles: THC-infused edibles, such as 10mg Delta-9 Sativa gummies, chocolates, and baked goods, offer a discreet and long-lasting method of consumption. They take longer to kick in but can provide a more intense and prolonged high.
  • Tinctures: THC tinctures are liquid extracts typically consumed sublingually (under the tongue) for fast absorption. They come with a dropper, allowing for precise dosing.
  • Vape Cartridges: Vaping THC involves heating cannabis extracts to produce inhaleable vapor. This method provides a convenient and discreet way to consume Delta-9 THC [4].

Learn more in the Guide to Hemp-Derived Delta-9 THC.

Dosing methods of Delta-9 THC

Regarding Delta-9 THC dosing, it is crucial to understand the different methods and their effects. The two ways to get Delta-9 into your body are inhalation and ingestion.

Inhaling Delta-9 THC is a popular way to go. Smoking or vaping Delta-9 THC allows rapid absorption into the bloodstream through the lungs. Effects are felt almost immediately but may also wear off more quickly.

However, many people steer clear of inhalation ingestion methods because of concerns about lung health. Consuming Delta-9 THC through edibles, tinctures, or capsules means the liver metabolizes the compound, resulting in a slower onset of effects. Even so, the high may be more intense and longer-lasting than inhalation [5].

Recommended doses for Delta-9 THC

Determining the right dose of Delta-9 THC can be challenging, especially for beginners. Here are some general guidelines for different experience levels:

How much Delta-9 should I take?

Beginners should start with a low dose of 5-10 milligrams of Delta-9 THC. This allows the individual to gauge their sensitivity and response to the compound. Gradually increase the dose over time if needed.

High-dose Delta-9:

Experienced users with tolerance to THC may opt for higher doses, typically ranging from 20-50 milligrams or more. It is essential to exercise caution and be aware of individual tolerance levels when using high doses of THC [6]. Try Earthy Select’s monster 50mg Delta-9 Gummies.

Low-dose Delta-9:

For those seeking a milder experience, low-dose products containing 2-5 milligrams of Delta-9 THC are a suitable option. They provide a subtle and manageable effect, ideal for beginners or individuals who prefer a more controlled experience. For example, if you plan to consume 10mg Delta-9 Indica gummies, you may wonder how many gummies or other THC edibles to take. If the product is 10 milligrams per piece, half a piece is a good place to start. This way, you’ll know how much THC is in your system at any given time [6].

Potential side effects of Delta-9 THC

While Delta-9 THC can offer enjoyable experiences for many, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. These side effects may include dry mouth, red eyes, increased heart rate, anxiety, or impaired memory and concentration [7].

Unwanted effects like these can vary from person to person and are often dose-dependent. It’s crucial to start with low doses and gradually increase to minimize the risk of adverse reactions.

Tips for safe Delta-9 THC dosing

Consider the following dosing guidelines to ensure a safe and pleasant Delta-9 THC experience.

Start low and go slow

Begin with a low dose and wait at least two hours before considering additional consumption. Slowly increase the dose to find your ideal balance.

Know your product

Understand the potency of the Delta-9 THC product. Read labels carefully to determine the concentration of THC per serving, especially when consuming edibles. This information will help you calculate the appropriate dose.

Consider your tolerance

Regular cannabis users may develop a tolerance to Delta-9 THC over time, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. If you have built up a tolerance, be mindful of gradually increasing your dose to avoid overwhelming experiences.

Factors affecting dosing

Several factors can influence your response to Delta-9 THC, including body weight, metabolism, and individual sensitivity. People with lower body weights may feel the effects more intensely, while those with higher body weights might require slightly higher doses.

Consult a healthcare professional

If you are taking prescription medications or have pre-existing medical conditions, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming Delta-9 THC. They can provide valuable guidance on potential interactions and help you determine an appropriate dose.

Delta-9 THC tolerance

Regular use of Delta-9 THC can lead to the development of tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. Tolerance occurs when the body becomes accustomed to the presence of Delta-9 THC and adjusts its response accordingly. This can make it challenging to achieve the same level of intensity from lower doses that were previously effective.

To manage tolerance, take tolerance breaks, where you abstain from using Delta-9 THC for a period of time. This allows your body to reset its sensitivity to the compound, allowing you to experience the effects with lower doses again [8].

Factors that can affect Delta-9 THC dosing

Several factors influence the dosing of Delta-9 THC. It’s important to be mindful of these factors as you navigate the ideal dose for your body.

Body weight:

As stated previously, body weight plays a role in determining the impact of Delta-9 THC. Individuals with higher body weight may require higher doses to achieve the desired effects, while those with lower body weight might experience more intense effects with lower doses [9].


The speed at which your body metabolizes Delta-9 THC affects the duration and intensity of its effects. Individuals with faster metabolisms often process THC more quickly, while those with slower metabolisms may experience prolonged effects [9].

Individual sensitivity:

Each person’s body reacts differently to Delta-9 THC. Genetics and individual tolerance levels influence how your body responds to different doses. It is essential to start with low doses and gradually increase to find the best dose for you [9].

Emotional state:

Your emotional responses and mindset can impact the way you experience Delta-9 THC. Being in a relaxed and positive state of mind enhances the therapeutic effects, while high-stress levels or negative emotions may amplify potential side effects.

Interaction with other substances:

Delta-9 THC can interact with other substances, such as alcohol or prescription medications. These interactions can amplify or alter the effects of Delta-9 THC. It is crucial to be aware of potential interactions and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary [9].

Key takeaway

In conclusion, dosing Delta-9 THC requires careful consideration and awareness of individual factors. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it helps you find your optimal dose for a safe and enjoyable THC journey.

Always prioritize responsible use, be aware of potential side effects, and consult with a healthcare professional if needed. By understanding the dosing guidelines and being mindful of your body’s response, you can confidently navigate your Delta-9 THC experience. Remember, choose high-quality third-party lab-tested products.

Read next: Do Delta-9 Gummies Get You High? Everything You Need to Know

Order Earthy Select Delta-9 THC Gummies

Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. The Endocannabinoid System
  2. Will Delta-9 Get You  High?
  3. Delta-9 Gummies: A Complete Guide
  4. Delta-8 versus Delta-9 THC
  5. Tincture versus Edible: Which is Better?
  6. How Much THC to Take
  7. How Pot Effects Your Body 
  8. How to Avoid a High Cannabis Tolerance
  9. Factors that Affect Your Cannabis High 
  10. Effects of Mixing Alcohol and Weed
  11. Benefits of Taking CBD and THC Together

Frequently Asked Questions

Cannabis, especially with THC, has long been lauded as an antiemetic. Many use it to alleviate nausea, but more research is necessary to generalize these results to the larger population.

It is best to avoid mixing alcohol and cannabis.

Different cannabis strains have different ratios of THC to CBD and other cannabinoids, so many find that if a particular strain isn’t working for them, they can try a different ratio. Some research suggests that taking THC and CBD together — along with other cannabinoids and terpenes— is more enjoyable and effective than taking THC alone. This is a result of the entourage effect that occurs when substances from cannabis work together synergistically.