Delta-9 Legality in Idaho: A Deep Dive

Delta-9 Legality in Idaho: A Deep Dive | Earthy Select

In the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest, Idaho stands as a beacon of natural beauty, but it also stands firm on its cannabis laws. In this comprehensive exploration of Delta-9 THC legality in Idaho, we’ll delve into the law’s nuances and elucidate the distinctions between Delta-9 from hemp and marijuana. Additionally, we’ll reveal where to procure Delta-9 THC products, describe its effects, and consider the future of Delta-9 legality in Idaho.

What is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC, scientifically known as Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol, is a psychoactive compound found in both the hemp and the marijuana variety of the cannabis plant [1]. This compound is renowned for its intoxicating effects and is often associated with the recreational use of marijuana.

However, not all cannabis plants fall under the same legal umbrella. For example, the 2018 Farm Bill provided a statutory definition differentiating industrial hemp from marijuana under federal law. Accordingly, the Bill made industrial hemp legal and paved the way for widespread hemp cultivation and the production of hemp-derived products using hemp derivatives. More specifically, naturally occurring cannabinoids, like hemp-derived Delta-9 THC, became federally legal (when kept to low levels of Delta-9), as well as other hemp compounds and CBD products [2].

The Farm Bill’s definition of hemp products in the United States sets a clear threshold, stipulating that industrial hemp should contain no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight [2]. Thus, when hemp meets this criterion, it becomes federally legal. However, it’s essential to note that the legality of Delta-9 THC products varies from state to state, as state law plays a pivotal role in shaping the regulatory landscape. For example, Idaho has not adopted the guidelines of the Bill [3]. Hence, purchasing hemp products, especially intoxicating hemp products like Delta-9 THC, necessitates understanding federal guidelines and state law.

Guide to Delta-8 THC

The difference between Delta-9 from hemp vs. marijuana

The crucial difference lies in the concentration of Delta-9 THC in the cannabis plant or product. For example, industrial hemp, defined by the federal government under the Farm Bill, contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight [1]. In contrast, marijuana is defined as cannabis with more than 0.3%. Delta-9 THC, and can contain significantly higher levels of this psychoactive compound, often exceeding 20%.

Delta-9 THC derived from hemp and Delta-9 THC derived from marijuana share the same chemical structure but differ significantly in their federal legal status. A crucial distinction lies in their source—the hemp plant and the marijuana plant, respectively. For example, under federal rules, the 2018 Farm Bill precludes the legality of even low-THC products derived from marijuana. In other words, Delta-9 gummies made from marijuana, even if their concentration does not exceed 0.3 %, are only legal in states that have legalized recreational or medical. marijuana. In contrast, Delta-9 THC products derived from hemp are legal at the federal level, along with products containing other hemp-derived cannabinoids [2].

As a result, Delta-9 THC is increasingly available in various forms, sometimes combined with CBD or other products, as long as it’s hemp-derived [4]. Ultimately, these products are subject to state and federal regulations aimed at ensuring public health and safety.

Is Hemp-derived Delta-9 THC Legal?

Marijuana policies regarding Delta-9 legality in Idaho

Marijuana has higher Delta-9 THC concentrations than hemp. Therefore, it falls under a different legal category than hemp. Since marijuana is classified as a controlled substance by the federal government, it is subject to strict regulations, particularly regarding its cultivation, sale, and use. However, in the state of Idaho, both hemp-derived and marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC products face similar legal challenges. The Idaho Marijuana Enforcement Division enforces stringent regulations that treat all forms of Delta-9 cannabis, including hemp-derived compounds, as illegal [3].

What does this mean for Idaho residents who want hemp-derived Delta-9 products?

The Idaho Marijuana Enforcement Division’s website states its cannabis policy in no uncertain terms: “It is illegal for any person to manufacture, deliver, possess with intent to manufacture or deliver, or possess marijuana, which refers to all parts of the plants of the genus cannabis, including or any preparation of cannabis which contains tetrahydrocannabinol [3].”

Thus, residents of Idaho should be aware that while hemp-derived Delta-9 THC may be technically legal at the federal level, state law seems to supersedes it, and its possession, purchase, or use remains problematic within the state.

Is Delta-8 Legal in Idaho?

Is Delta-9 THC legal in Idaho?

Idaho law is unequivocal when it comes to Delta-9 THC. The state’s attitude toward both hemp products and marijuana products reflects an anti-cannabis viewpoint. Put simply, Idaho’s stance on hemp products aligns with its interpretation of the federal Uniform Controlled Substances Act [5].

The Industrial Hemp Development Act

While the federal Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp in 2018, allowing for the cultivation and sale of hemp-derived products, Idaho has not adopted these federal guidelines [6]. For example, the Idaho State Legislature has yet to pass legislation that would legalize industrial hemp and its derivatives within the state [3].

The legal status of Delta-9 THC

Idaho law considers Delta-9 THC from any source, whether marijuana or hemp, illegal, labeling it a controlled substance. The state’s Controlled Substances Act does not differentiate between the two sources of THC as most other states do. As such, possession, sale, or use of Delta-9 THC products, regardless of their origin, can result in legal consequences [3].

Where to buy Delta-9 THC products?

Given Idaho’s strict stance on Delta-9 THC, purchasing such products within the state is prohibited. However, neighboring states may have different laws. For example, Oregon [7] and Washington have legalized recreational marijuana, allowing for the sale of marijuana-derived THC products [8]. Residents of Idaho who wish to purchase Delta-9 THC products may travel to these states. Yet, residents must understand the legal implications of transporting these products across state lines.

Additionally, North Dakota, a state that borders Idaho, has followed the federal guidelines in legalizing industrial hemp and its derivatives [9]. It is worth noting that there are options for those residing near the state’s northern border to access hemp-derived products legally.

Moreover, if you travel to most other states, you can order Delta-9 THC products online from reputable companies like Earthy Select. Offering premium, federally compliant hemp products, including Delta-9, Earthy Select ships directly to you, providing third-party lab reports on their website to ensure compliance and potency. The realities of Delta-9 legality in Idaho don’t have to keep you from purchasing it when you travel out of state.

8 Best THCa Flower Strains Review

What to expect when consuming Delta-9 THC products?

For those who have access to legal Delta-9 THC products, it’s important to understand what to expect when consuming them. For example, Delta-9 THC can produce a range of effects, including relaxation, euphoria, altered perception of time, increased appetite [10], and, in some cases, anxiety or paranoia [11]. Ultimately, the effects of Delta-9 THC depend on factors including:

  • Weight – Those with lighter bodies will likely experience a more intense effect from Delta-9 THC than heavier individuals [11].
  • THC Tolerance – Users with more THC experience may have a higher tolerance than those new to it. Therefore, beginners may need less Delta-9 to experience the same effect of those with more experience [11].
  • Concentration of Delta-9 – Eating a Delta-9 gummy derived from hemp may be less potent than one with marijuana, because marijuana can have a higher amount of Delta-9. Therefore, it’s essential to learn a product’s THC concentration before consuming it to ensure safety and enjoyability [11].
  • Method of Consumption – Your Delta-9 consumption method determines the intensity of the effect [11]. For example, smoking Delta-9 will usually be faster-acting than eating it.
  • Environment – Many fail to consider the environment in which they intend to consume Delta-9 THC. However, the effects will likely be far more pleasurable if you are with people you trust and in a place where you feel safe.
  • Food in System – If you have just eaten a meal, Delta-9’s effect may be lighter than consuming it on an empty stomach [11].
  • Physical and Emotional Disposition – Both your physical and emotional disposition influence how you experience Delta-9 THC. For example, if you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, these feelings may overflow into your Delta-9 experience. On the other hand, some say Delta-9 can potentially alleviate these symptoms. In other words, your prior emotional and physical state may influence your experience, but it’s impossible to predict exactly how this will unfold. Therefore, it’s wise to discuss concerns if you have them with a healthcare professional before using Delta-9 [12].

The potent effects of Delta-9 THC Gummies

Edible Delta-9 THC products, such as gummies, have become increasingly popular. Yet, the effects of Delta-9 THC edibles can vary widely based on factors like dosage and individual tolerance. Thus, beginners should start with a low dose, typically around 10mg or less [13]. At the same time, experienced users may opt for higher doses, such as potent 50mg Delta-9 gummies, if they live in a state that allows recreational marijuana. Overall, it’s essential to wait for the full onset of effects, which can take up to two hours, before considering additional consumption [13].

Delta-8 versus Delta-9 versus Delta-10 THC: What’s the Difference?

50mg Delta 9 THC Gummies

Is Delta-9 THC safe to consume?

The safety of Delta-9 THC consumption depends on several factors, including dosage, frequency of use, and individual sensitivity. While Delta-9 THC itself is not considered physically harmful, its psychoactive effects can impair judgment and coordination for some [10]. Hence, it’s crucial to avoid operating vehicles or heavy machinery while under the influence of Delta-9 THC.

Furthermore, you should approach Delta-9 THC cautiously, particularly if you have underlying medical conditions, psychiatric concerns, or are taking medications [10]. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Delta-9 THC into your wellness routine.

Ordering Delta-9 THC online vs. retail

For those in states where Delta-9 THC is legal, the question of whether to purchase products online or from a retail dispensary depends on personal preference. For example, online purchases may offer a wider selection, while retail dispensaries may provide a more personalized shopping experience. Regardless of the method, choosing reputable sources and products that adhere to federal guidelines is crucial.

The future of Delta-9 legality in Idaho

As of now, the Gem State remains steadfast in its prohibition of Delta-9 THC products, regardless of their source. However, the evolving landscape of cannabis legislation across the United States raises questions about the future of THC in the state and all states. While neighboring states have legalized adult-use cannabis items, Idaho has yet to follow suit.

Public opinion, changes in federal guidelines, or legislative initiatives within the state may help change the legal future of Delta-9 THC in Idaho. In the meantime, advocates for cannabis legalization continue to push for reforms. However, significant shifts in the state’s approach to cannabis products would likely require legislative action.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, Delta-9 THC remains illegal in Idaho, both in its marijuana-derived and hemp-derived forms. The state’s strict stance on cannabis products aligns with its interpretation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act and other state laws. Therefore, residents seeking to explore the potential benefits or recreational use of Delta-9 THC products should exercise caution in Idaho. Even so, remember that 10mg Delta-9 Sativa Gummies and many more products are readily available in dispensaries and online when you travel to most nearby states. Maybe it’s time for a road trip.

Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. What is Delta-9?
  2. Hemp Production and the 2018 Farm Bill
  3. Idaho Office of Drug Policy: Marijuana
  4. What Does the 2018 Farm Bill Mean for Hemp Businesses?
  5. The Controlled Substances Act
  6. Industrial Hemp Research and Development Act
  7. Oregon Cannabis Laws
  8. Washington State Cannabis Laws
  9. North Dakota Cannabis Laws
  10. What Are the Effects of Delta-9 THC?
  11. Dose-related Effects of Delta-9-THC on Emotional Responses to Acute Psychosocial Stress
  12. A Crowd-sourcing Survey Study of the Subjective Effects of Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC
  13. Delta-9 Edible Dosage

Frequently Asked Questions

No, Idaho appears to outlaw Delta-9 THC products, whether derived from hemp or marijuana. Check state information for updates.

The Farm Bill makes hemp a federally compliant product, and makes it legal to ship hemp derived products with no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC across state lines. However, states may have their own rules as Idaho does. Idaho residents should make sure they know their state’s own rules regarding hemp before ordering any hemp or cannabis products.

If derived from hemp, and comprised of no more than 0.3 percent of Delta-9 THC, products are federally compliant (for all states) thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill [2]. Individual states may have additional regulations.

Yes and no. Both are cannabis. The difference is that hemp is cannabis with no more than 0.3% Delta-9 THC, and marijuana has more than 0,3% Delta-9 THC.