How Long Does Delta-9 THC Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Delta-9 Stay In Your System? Earthy Select

Many cannabis users face the reality of taking a drug test or need to be mindful of THC’s presence in their system for personal or professional reasons. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9THC) is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. It’s also what a standard drug test may look for. So the question arises: how long does Delta-9 THC stay in your system?

The duration for which THC remains detectable in the human body varies depending on several factors. This article will explore those factors and the drug tests commonly used to detect THC.

Factors that affect how long Delta-9 stays in your system

You may be surprised by the things that contribute to the amount of time THC stays in your system. Body fat percentage, age, cannabis potency, and individual metabolic rates all come into play.

Body fat and age

Percentage of body fat affects how long THC lingers in your body tissues. Since THC is lipophilic, it has an affinity for fat cells. Consequently, individuals with higher body fat percentages often retain THC metabolites in their system for longer periods. THC and its metabolites slowly exit from fat cells over time [1].

Additionally, age plays a role in the duration of THC detection. As people age, their metabolism slows, leading to a longer elimination half-life for THC. Thus, older individuals generally have more THC metabolites in their system for longer than younger individuals [1].

Frequency, consumption method, metabolic rate, and potency

Frequency of cannabis use and method of ingestion affect THC retention. Regular cannabis users, especially those who consume it daily or multiple times a day, are likely to have THC metabolites in their system for longer than occasional or one-time users. Furthermore, inhalation methods, like smoking or vaporizing, generally result in quicker THC clearance than oral consumption. The psychoactive cannabinoid bypasses the digestive system with smoking and vaping, entering and exiting the bloodstream more rapidly.

Additionally, the potency of a particular cannabis product influences the duration of THC detection. Higher THC concentrations in the product can lead to a longer elimination time.

Lastly, metabolic rate influences THC detection. Individuals with faster metabolic rates tend to eliminate substances from their bodies more rapidly. Consequently, those with a higher metabolic rate may clear THC from their system faster than those with a slower metabolic rate [1].

Learn more in the Guide to Hemp-Derived Delta-9 THC.

How long does THC stay in your system?

The duration for which THC remains detectable varies depending on the type of drug test administered. The three most common types of drug tests used to detect THC are blood tests, urine tests, and hair tests.

  • Blood Test: Delta-9 THC is typically detectable in the bloodstream for a relatively short period. In most cases, it can be detected within a few hours after use and up to one to two days, depending on various factors.
  • Urine Test: Urine tests are the most common type of drug test for THC. These tests detect THC metabolites in urine for a more extended period compared to blood tests. Regarding occasional users, tests detect THC for approximately three to four days. However, for regular users, THC metabolites can remain in urine for up to several weeks, depending on the frequency and amount of cannabis use.
  • Hair Test: A hair follicle test is less common but can detect THC use over extended periods. Metabolites are present in hair follicles for up to 90 days or even longer, depending on the hair sample length [2].

What to do if you have a drug test coming up

While Delta-9 THC from hemp is federally legal under the Farm Bill, it is still regulated and treated as a scheduled substance in some places or areas of employment. If you have a drug test approaching and are concerned about THC detection, there are a few steps to take to increase your chances of avoiding a positive result. Many find it necessary to test negative for THC for employment situations or other purposes. Sometimes, these tests take you by surprise and come when you may have THC in your system. If this is the case, follow these guidelines to potentially shorten the time it takes to clear the THC.

Ways to speed up the process

These specific actions may speed up the THC elimination process. Consider these actions to minimize the chance of a positive drug test result. Note – we do not endorse trying to receive a false result on a drug test.

Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated can help dilute the concentration of THC metabolites in your urine, potentially reducing the chances of detection. However, excessive water consumption alone may raise suspicion. Thus, it’s wise to strike a balance and avoid excessive water intake before a test [3].

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity can help boost your metabolism, potentially speeding up the elimination of THC metabolites from your system. However, it’s important to note that intense exercise immediately before a drug test can actually increase THC levels in the bloodstream temporarily. It’s best to exercise regularly leading up to the test [3].

Eat a healthy diet

A balanced and nutritious diet can support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Including foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, helps promote bowel movements and eliminate toxins from the body [3].

Use detox products

Various detox products on the market claim to flush out THC from the system. These products include detox drinks, detox pills, and detox kits. However, the effectiveness of these products is not scientifically proven. Some may even be unreliable or potentially harmful. Exercise caution and research these products thoroughly before considering using them [3].

How long does it take for Delta-9 THC to leave your body completely?

While these methods may help expedite matters, there may still be detectable levels of THC in your system, especially for frequent users. What’s more, the human body metabolizes THC differently among different individuals. In other words, none of these steps can guarantee a negative result on a drug test. The only surefire way to avoid a negative result is abstaining from using THC products or avoid being tested.

If you wait enough time after using THC products, you may metabolize THC completely, making your test negative. But the complete elimination of THC can take a prolonged period of time. Especially for chronic users or those who consume THC in high doses, THC can stay in the system for several weeks or even months [4]. But the duration of time it takes for THC to leave the system completely depends on individual metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount of THC consumed.

Order Earthy Select Delta-9 THC Gummies

How does the human body metabolize Delta-9 THC?

The body primarily metabolizes THC in the liver by specific enzymes known as liver enzymes. These enzymes break down THC into metabolites. Then, the body eliminates them through urine, feces, and sweat. However, trace amounts of THC and its metabolites are stored in fat tissue and leave the body slowly over time, prolonging the detection window in some people. This is why chronic users or individuals with higher body fat percentages may experience a longer period for THC to leave their system [5].

Some CBD products made from cannabis plants do not lead to a positive test result for THC because they do not c0ntain THC – these would be made from CBD isolate or similar. However, ensuring that your CBD products come from reputable sources and undergo third-party testing to verify their THC content is crucial. This helps mitigate the risk of a false positive result on most drug tests [6].

Unfortunately, THC takes time, even up to three months, to leave the system altogether. As stated previously, this amount of time varies depending on factors such as individual metabolism, frequency and amount of THC consumed, and the presence of THC in fat tissue. Exercise caution and make informed decisions regarding the use of cannabis products, especially if your place of employment or institution requires random drug tests or regular drug testing.

Key takeaways for how long Delta-9 stays in your system

It’s important to note that different drug tests, including blood, urine, and hair tests, have different detection windows. If you have an upcoming drug test, be aware of the specific testing method and the detection window and plan accordingly [7].

While some elimination methods like drinking water, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet may help speed up the process, they cannot guarantee a negative result. It is always best to make informed decisions regarding THC consumption and be aware of potential consequences, especially if you’re concerned about drug testing. And remember, only buy Delta-9 THC products from reputable sources you can trust. Check out Earthy Select’s premium Delta-9 offerings and order online!

Read next: Do Delta-9 Gummies Get You High? Everything You Need to Know

Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal advice or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. Factors that Influence How Long Cannabis Stays in Your System
  2. How Long Does Delta-9 Stay in Your Body?
  3. Detox Methods to Get Weed Out of Your System
  4. Marijuana Detox: What You Should Know
  5. Mechanisms and Actions of Pharmacokinetics of Cannabis
  6. Does CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?
  7. The Marijuana Detection Window
  8. Full-spectrum CBD May Trigger Positive Test Result

Frequently Asked Questions

Full-spectrum CBD products contain trace amounts of Delta-9 THC and other cannabinoids and may trigger a positive test result, so it’s best to avoid them if you anticipate a drug test.

Delta-9 THC from hemp will show up on a drug test.

Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, Delta-9 THC is federally compliant as long as it is hemp-derived and the product contains no more than 0.3 percent Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis.